What is the common thing between sensory deprivation and sex? Let’s see – they are both very popular, they relieve tension, and they provide peerless pleasure. But there’s more. There’s a strong connection between floatation therapy and libido levels. Please,
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FAQ About Sensory Deprivation and Floatation Therapy
What is Sensory Deprivation? It is a trendy form of deep physical and mental relaxation. It involves effortlessly floating in a sensory deprivation tank, which is full of Epsom Salt that creates a sort of gravity-free environment. The goal is
Read moreSensory Deprivation and Floatation Therapy
Sensory Deprivation and Sex | Skyrocket Your Libido With Floating

Sensory Deprivation Tanks Cost – Let’s Talk About Money

The cost of sensory deprivation tanks varies and is influenced by a lot of factors. We’ve sorted them into 2 categories – commercial tanks and home tanks – though if you have the budget for it you could put any
Read moreFloatation Therapy For Couples | Read This Before Trying It

Often, we can’t imagine doing anything without our partner. We want to share everything with the one we love most. It’s natural. This is not only our lover but our best friend with whom we spend so much precious time
Read more3 Practical Ways to Enhance Your Floating Experience

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to get the most out of an activity but in the end, you thought “this was not good enough”? Or you found yourself thinking “this wasn’t as fulfilling as I
Read more4 Must-Read Books About Sensory Deprivation

I have a confession to make. It’s nothing special. It’s just that I am a big fat bookworm and I’m loving it. How about you? Do you love reading? And do you enjoy floating? Good. Because if it is so,
Read more7 Unbelievable Myths About Sensory Deprivation

How long has it been since you heard a big fat myth? Moreover, were you able to recognize it as such? Because often they are masterfully masked as true facts while they are nothing but fallacious misconceptions. Often, they are
Read moreSpa Treatments at Home
8 Benefits of Soaking Feet in Epsom Salt

Have you ever thought of experiencing the benefits of soaking feet in Epsom Salt? Probably you will be surprised to learn that such benefits do exist and they can improve your well-being independently of your current health condition. This means
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6 Crazy-Popular Holistic Medicine Activities

Close your eyes. Imagine just for a minute that you suffer from a serious condition and you have exhausted all traditional treatment methods. You have tried every pill and you have visited all renowned doctors. You left no stone unturned.
Read moreIs EFT Tapping a Scam? | The Truth Revealed

In general, are you a believer or a skeptic? To be honest from the beginning, that will have a big impact on how you will deal with the answer to the popular question ‘is EFT tapping a scam’. In this
Read moreWhat Is Acupuncture Effective For and Is It Worth Trying?

Needles? Ouch! That was the first thing that I thought when several years ago my mother introduced me to the idea of visiting an acupuncturist. ‘Mom, are you crazy? What is acupuncture effective for, anyway? Do you have an idea
Read more10 Benefits of Soaking In Epsom Salt

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of soaking in Epsom Salt? If you are keen on the health and wellness topic chances are that you have. But I bet you didn’t know that taking Epsom Salt baths could hide
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