Often, we can’t imagine doing anything without our partner. We want to share everything with the one we love most. It’s natural. This is not only our lover but our best friend with whom we spend so much precious time together. Moreover, this is the person who knows best how to make us feel comfortable and secure.
That is why it’s always exciting when it turns out that we have similar interests because often that results in enjoying joint activities. And that means more quality time together. According to the famous gym saying a couple who trains together, stays together.
The same matters for every imaginable sport or other activity in which you share a common interest. Plus, there are some things that are just more fun when we do them with our beloved partner. A quick example is going to the movies or taking a walk in the park, for instance.
However, does the same apply when it comes to an experience so personal and intimate such as floating in an isolation tank? What’s best – to float in solitude or to float with your darling? How is it possible to float with your partner in the first place and what are the pros and cons of sharing a float session?
The answers to these hot questions will be in the sentences to follow. So let’s begin.
Couples Floating – How It Works?
With the growing commercialization of sensory deprivation tanks, it’s not a surprise that the manufacturers strive to satisfy all market needs. They work hard to come up with new ideas and transform them into innovative products that meet the demand of their majesty the customer.
One such smart product addition in the floatation therapy industry are the float cabins, also known as cabin rooms. The cabin for two allows couples to float together, thus sharing their floatation experience. Usually, they are with high ceilings and offer more space, which is perfect for those who fear claustrophobia.
There are also float tanks for couples that are more like float pools and have enough room to accommodate more than one person. They are also called floatarounds or floataround round pools. They all operate the same way as a regular floatation tank. It’s just that they are bigger and often with an open design.
Most of the biggest float spa centers offer units that allow floating for couples. Also, there is always the option to purchase such pools or cabin rooms and incorporate them in any home that meets the requirements of the manufacturer.
What About the Price?
Normally the price for a couples float in the spa centers is in the range of $100 – $120 for 60 – 90 mins. If you want to bring the pleasure to your home, then the prices can go up to $35 000 approximately (the prices can largely vary). Of course, there is an additional cost for the installation and the maintenance of the unit.
The Pros
Floating together with your loved one can undoubtedly bring many positives. Let’s see some of them.
- It is a bonding experience – mutually enjoying a floatation therapy session creates a connection like any other pleasant activity.
- It builds exciting memories that you both share – a healthy relationship is always characterized by beautiful past moments that you can both talk about and laugh over.
- Float together or not float at all – often we feel more confident to do something new when our partner is by our side. Sometimes we just might need this kind of support in order to start something that we have always wanted to try and that may be very beneficial to us. Let me give you an example – my wife always wanted to do mountain hiking but she never took the courage until we did it together. Now she loves it and we do it regularly.
- It can help in solving relationship problems – no matter how frivolously that sounds it may do wonders for you and your partner. Relaxing together in complete silence while effortlessly floating in the dark isolation pool could have therapeutic rewards for your relationship. With all the muscles decomposed and the brain deprived of all senses, the negative thoughts go away. This creates the peaceful environment that you both need in order to work things out and reflect.
Largely regarded as a strictly personal experience, floating has its negatives too. There are certainly some things to keep in mind when deciding to go for a float with your closest one so that you know what to expect and be prepared. So when setting your expectations, know the following:
- You may easily get distracted – knowing that your partner is right next to you in the water may turn out to be a major distractor that could spoil the whole experience. It could be difficult for you both to concentrate, close your eyes and just relax in silence. Instead, you may be tempted to talk to each other and end up spending more time discussing the whole thing rather than just enjoying it.
- Your privacy is compromised – the goal of the floatation therapy is to help you look deeply into your inner self. When the theta brain waves start kicking in, the body enters into a meditative state. You become more and more relaxed physically and psychologically. For that condition to continue longer and to be as much effective as possible, it is always better to be alone in the tank. We people get easily distracted. The mind-wandering could be even more difficult to control when you know that you are not alone in the floating room. You may end up constantly thinking about your boyfriend or girlfriend and asking yourself “is he (she) ok?, ‘how does he (she) feel’, etc.
- Your partner could involuntarily create external stimuli – don’t forget that when in the tank the main purpose is to achieve a state where you don’t feel anything. That’s why it is also called sensory deprivation. The water is heated to body temperature so that you don’t feel its touch. There is no light and no noise. It’s just the perfect environment to dive into nothingness and enjoy the silence. Now imagine that suddenly your darling decides to cough or to sneeze as loudly as a lion. Or to hit you in the face with his (her) hand by accident. I think you get what I mean.
The majority of the sensory deprivation ‘gurus’ will tell you that floating is a personal experience that is better enjoyed in full privacy. However, there is no straight answer as to whether it is recommended to go float with your partner or to better enjoy a floating session all by yourself. It all comes up to know what to expect in both case scenarios because that will prepare you for the possible outcome. Sure enough, you will never know until you do it, so I encourage you to go and have a relaxing floatation experience with your partner. At least you will learn something.
Have you ever tried floating for couples? Did you like it? Leave a comment below!
I have to admit this is all new to me – I’ve never heard of floatation therapy before – so fascinating! I’ve never tried it, but my preference would definitely be floating alone and not with my partner….may have something to do with having been with hubby for more than a decade and that I constantly have kids hanging off my legs….i long for alone time 😉 very interesting concept – and your post is well written and interesting!
Hi Karina,
Thanks for reading.To be hoest, I personally also prefer floating alone. However couples floating has its perks too.I totally understand that for you it would be a way of spending some quality time only by yourself. See you around.
WOW! This sounds really cool. My wife and I love water and are always at the local swimming pool, but its always crowded and loud.
This seems like could really get us to relax better together and just enjoy water in the process.
Thanks for the article, its really eye opening .
Hey Florin,
I would love to hear your thoughts once you’ve tried floating with your wife. Thanks for stopping by.
My wife and I had our first floatation session together today. Honestly, except for the fact she was holding my hand ( and we had been advised that some form of continuous contact would prevent accidental bumping as we floated) we were silent and enjoying our quiet time. I would not have known we were together if she had not been holding my hand! Dark, silent and restful (except for the music playing quietly – perhaps I’ll try no sound next time if alone).
I am looking forward to another session where I will not be distracted waiting for the notification of the end of the session. I should have listened to my daughter and her partner – just enjoy and forget about the ending.
Hi Tim,
It sounds that you guys had a wonderful experience! Very happy for you!