Needles? Ouch! That was the first thing that I thought when several years ago my mother introduced me to the idea of visiting an acupuncturist. ‘Mom, are you crazy? What is acupuncture effective for, anyway? Do you have an idea
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5 Things Not To Do While Floating
Do you want to spend a truly relaxing time in the float tank? Stupid question, I know. In fact, it is a rhetorical one. Of course, that you do. The point of the sensory deprivation is to provide a mindfulness
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5 Amazing Mental Benefits of Floating
You are a superhero. That’s right, you are. We all are. Do you know why? Because our brain has extraordinary abilities. For instance, when we are awake, the human brain can produce 23 watts of energy. This is enough to
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Buying the Zen Float Tank – The Shipping Costs Explained
Have you started considering it already? Are you prepared to become a proud owner of a zen floatation tank, thus bringing the sensory deprivation at home? As you might know, there are many reasons that support such a decision but
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4 Water Care and Cleaning Supplies Indispensable for Your Floatation Tank
It is needless to say that maintaining your tank as clean as possible is crucial for achieving the ultimate floatation experience. I don’t have to be a psychic to know that you will all agree with that statement. The good
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Introducing the Inflatable Zen Float Tank | You Have to Be Kiddin’ Me!
Psst, floaters, may I have your attention, please! What if I tell you that there is a real possibility for you to have a float spa in your home? That’s right. Imagine the alluring comfort of being able to enter
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6 Fascinating Sensory Deprivation Tank Experiences
We, humans, are always curious. It is in our nature since the first breath. The curiosity is undoubtedly a common trait that we all possess that make us evolve, learn new things, and enrich our understanding of everything that interests
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5 Must-Watch Sensory Deprivation Videos
In the rich world of the floatation therapy and the sensory deprivation, the information is abundant. There are so many interesting but also enlightening news, facts, innovations, and stories that immersing in this universe can quickly become addictive. Just like
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10 Benefits of Soaking In Epsom Salt
Have you ever wondered about the benefits of soaking in Epsom Salt? If you are keen on the health and wellness topic chances are that you have. But I bet you didn’t know that taking Epsom Salt baths could hide
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How Sensory Deprivation Tanks Work (In Layman’s Language)
I often bump into the popular question ‘how sensory deprivation tanks work?’ It is something that a lot of people want to know more about and that is why in the following paragraphs we are going to demystify how the
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