It is not a secret that with the revolutionary Zen Float Tent, floating at home is no longer just a dream. It is a reality.
It won’t be far from the truth if we say that this tank is the best thing since sliced bread.
Thousands of floaters worldwide are already experiencing the unparalleled enjoyment of practicing sensory deprivation from the comfort of their homes.
It is something that becomes largely wide-spread and highly demanded.
The first float tank for domestic use is one of those inventions that changes the game and brings home something that was until now accessible only in public amenities.
If you think about it, this is the case with the 3D home theater systems, the portable home saunas, and even with the well-known telephones.
Like you can probably imagine, there are many reasons because of which the floating at home is far more convenient than the regular visits at the wellness float center.
In the rest of this article, we are going to point out just some of the advantages that the home floating delivers.
It Saves Money
Money. This little word is undoubtedly among the most common ones in our everyday dictionary. Its importance is undisputed.
For most of us, this is a limited resource. That is why we tend to care so much about how we use it.
For anyone who is keen to practice sensory deprivation regularly, the Zen Float Tent is a must-do investment.
Why? Simply because it is a lot cheaper to own a personal floatation tank compared to the expensive $50-$80 per hour float sessions in the local spa center.
The simple calculations show that investing roughly $2000 for the purchase of the tank would save you at least $3200 that you’d otherwise give in the spa center and all that if you limit your floating to only once per week.
In fact, you can do your own specific calculations by using this savings calculator, which will give you a clearer idea of how much money exactly you would save by acquiring the zen float tent. You’d be surprised.
Also, there is always the financing alternative that allows you to take advantage of the PayPal credit option and pay for the tank on a monthly basis with no interest.
It Saves Time
Again, we have to mention this exact same popular word. As we know, time is money.
By saving time, you are also saving money and that is not just an old famous saying. It is true.
By becoming an owner of the float tent, you can say goodbye to the tiresome, often long and time-consuming visits to the distant spa wellness center.
Booking your one-hour private floating therapy sometimes can be a complicated task that involves time and advanced planning.
From now on, you are your own boss – you decide when to float and how long to float. You just have to go to the next room, lay down in the tank and start your invigorating sensory deprivation. Your body and mind deserve it.
It’s Comfortable
Nothing compares to the coziness of your own home. It is secure, warm, and peaceful.
That is why floating at home is so alluring. It simply creates that ambiance that one cannot sense elsewhere.
This type of intimacy and privacy are often hardly achievable in the spa center.
Imagine that you will be able to put the tent whenever you want. Not only that, but you will have the possibility to make your private zen space at the comfort of your home.
Sometimes, at the end of the day, we feel so tired of our regular responsibilities that we just want to lay down in the tank and relax as soon as possible. In such moments, even the thought of scheduling a visit to the float center can be exhausting.
Yes, your stress automatically decreases by just knowing that once you get home you will be immediately able to rest your senses and float.
One Tank For the Whole Family
Don’t forget that purchasing the zen float tent is an investment for your entire family.
In that way, you are saving even more financials.
Not only that, but you can educate your children and relatives about the scientifically proven health benefits of the sensory deprivation.
Spreading the word matters.
Connect With Like-Minded People
As a proud owner of the home float tank, you will have the opportunity to join a friendly and helpful community of people with whom you share the same interest.
This doesn’t mean that you will just make new friends. You will be able to ask questions related to the tent, you can exchange different ideas with the folks who already use it and receive generous help from all the congenial home floaters out there.
You can discuss various topics such as setting up the tent, tips about the maintenance, how cool it is to float at home, etc.
All the people in the Facebook community are very open-minded and they share the same passion for sensory deprivation and wellness as you.
You will love to socialize with them.
Better Concentration, Better Meditation
It is a well-known fact that the floating therapy and the meditation go hand in hand.
The sensory deprivation is a wonderful interlude to rumination and the ultimate relaxation of the mind.
Knowing that you are at home gives you the peace and the safety feeling you need in order to better immerse yourself in the meditation process.
You muscles loosen more easily and your busy mind begins to empty itself faster.
This is an important factor of a truly fulfilling floating session.
The truth is that not all the spa centers can allow such deep relaxation simply because you don’t feel at home in there no matter how fancy they are.
The floating therapy is indubitably more effective at home.
Owning the Zen Float Tent will change your perception of the sensory deprivation, while at the same time it will make your life more comfortable and stress-free.
If you don’t care about your health and well-being no one will. Are you still waiting? Get your float tent now and start floating right away! I promise you won’t regret.
What your reason would be to start floating at home? Leave a comment below!
I did my first float on Mothers day and absolutely loved it… I never considered I could could do it at home! What a great idea.
Hi Carolyn,
I agree with you. To be able to float at home is revolutionary. I am glad that you enjoyed floating since the first time you tried it.
Hi, Your reasons why to own a floating tent are tempting.
The money reason I think is one of the most important to me because of the regular use of my family and friends.
I even told my friends that when they want to use my tent they would have to pay for electricity. That is fine with them and I can use the preheated tent after for almost free.
It is actually a real conversation topic here around our community since the public spa is offering the service.
Hi Stefan,
The fact that it saves money for the ones who regularly float is indeed the most important factor in the buying decision.
I’ve never heard of floating at home before. Is this just like a bath? I’ll have to do some more research on this.
Hi Melinda,
The floating has some things in common with taking a bath but it is so much deeper than that.
Why don’t you check out the sensory deprivation beginner’s guide.
Hey Aj,
When I first heard about the existence of the Zen Float Tent, I was also stunned.
It is awesome to have the opportunity to bring your floatation experience at home.